About Me

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I spend all my days fighting a battle raging inside my head. Sitting in front of a toilet, trying to muster up enough courage to purge what i just shoved down my throat. Making sure every single one of my flaws is hidden from the people around me. Nothing makes it better except that feeling i get, when i dont eat.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Im new to blogging. Im new to ana.

Okay. So before i get any comments about being a poser or someone who pretends to have something that i know nothing about, id like to just say a few things :) Ive never once pinned the title anorexic to myself. I dont intend to offend anyone by what i say in my blogs. Im simply here to connect with people, who maybe, are struggling with the same thing i am.

My Story.

Im scared to death of gaining weight. Everyday. Its like a raging war in my head, constant, never ending. As much as i want for it to stop, and to just carry out my day like a normal person would, i cant do it. Im constantly thinking about whether i should eat or not, && how much of a failure i would be if i did. I hate that i have to look for thinspiration everyday to keep me from putting those disgusting calories in my body. Im a miserable failure when it comes to not eating. My first fast lasted no longer than 40 1/2 hours. That's absolutely pathetic. Thats not a fast at all. Thats a few skipped meals. I battled myself for 40 1/2 hours, and it ended with me giving up for a little bit of food. My current weight is an absolute embarassment. My ultimate goal weight seems like its impossible to reach. I cant quit though. I will lose the weight. And ana will be my friend through-out it all. I'll have ana to thank when i can finally see my beautiful, beautiful hipbones. Everybody is entitled to their own opinions, Id love to hear everybodies :)

Thats all for now.
Thanks for reading



  1. it sounds like you need to have a friend that can relate to you. one day this will all come true, if you want it bad enough. just try.

  2. Thanks for the comment :)

    Im hoping one day it'll come true.

    Just gotta work harder at it.


Thinspiration Anybody?

The only way you will ever achieve having a body like this, is if you learn to gain control, && stop eating.