About Me

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I spend all my days fighting a battle raging inside my head. Sitting in front of a toilet, trying to muster up enough courage to purge what i just shoved down my throat. Making sure every single one of my flaws is hidden from the people around me. Nothing makes it better except that feeling i get, when i dont eat.

Sunday, September 20, 2009


Things are all mixed up and messed up.

Idk about anything anymore.

Pretty sure i've fallen into a depression of some sort.

Good. Maybe i'll stop eating.

Although i haven't been eating much at all.

Which doesn't really matter at all, cause it's still eating.


Well I guess i'm done with this one.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Sooooo it's been forever.

But i just haven't had anything to write lately. I mean sure, there's a shitload going on in my life right now, i just don't have any words to put down though. That all kinda changed today though, it took me falling and scraping my knee up for me to finally break down and feel like i've had enough of everyfuckingthing. Now i'm just down right pissed off at my pathetic little life && my incapability of succeeding in something. Likeeeeee, how about my fucking eating habits? Oh yes, won't those just be a joy to talk about. It shouldn't surprise anyone ( if anyone fucking reads this in the first place ) that the only change that's been made is that i probably eat MORE rather than less. && what's that accomplishing? nothing. well except for the fact that i've probably gained about 500 MORE pounds and added yet ANOTHER roll to my disgustingly piggy body. Jesus christ. I'm sure all you lovely little stick thin girls are sitting there wondering " then why don't you do anything about it rather than just sitting there complaining to nobody in particular " well you know what i say to you? fuck you. :) kay? You make it look so fucking easy. counting this and throwing up that. Yeah if only we all had that kind of strength and willpower, wouldn't we all just be beautyfuckingful. Yeah. I'm done with this post.

Thinspiration Anybody?

The only way you will ever achieve having a body like this, is if you learn to gain control, && stop eating.